Residential Program
BHI’s residential program is one of the only education-first safe home programs in the United States.
BHI’s signature program empowers young single mothers to create a self-sustaining future through education, counseling and support, while residing in our safe home. BHI closely monitors the infants of our young mothers to assure the children are parented responsibly, receive appropriate medical care, and meet individual developmental benchmarks. In this way, BHI is determined to present two generations of at-risk youth with alternatives to the perils of neglect, poor education, and inter-generational poverty. BHI believes that all young mothers facing homelessness can achieve an education and professional employment while being responsible parents to their children. BHI offers a quality living environment, nurturing support and a disciplined framework to young mothers who are motivated and capable of using our services to achieve their goals.
Our residential program provides a safe and stable living environment for four young women and their children. Unlike traditional shelter programs, our group home is located on a quiet, residential street. Our home is lined with a white picket fence, discretely marked with small, gold plaques engraved with the names and messages of support from some of our wonderful donors. Inside the space is warm and inviting.
Do I need to be an Arlington County resident to apply to the BHI residential program?
No, you don’t need to be an Arlington County resident to apply, however Arlington County residents do receive first priority in the residential program selection process.
For other questions, please email information@borromeohousing.org.